Hello everyone, and good weekend to all of you! This year, april 1st is a saturday, which means that most of you are on weekend and able to drive as much as they want. Good news for WD's Patreon supporters, they are now able to download this bunch of skins we call "designs of the moment"

Visitors don't know the concept, so let me explain real quickly: you support Whalenap Designs on Patreon, you gain access to five exclusive designs taken from our collection including two skins from our latest content released. Each month, the selection is renewed. At this moment, WD has more than a hundred exclusive liveries never shared to anyone but the supporters. Isn't it a nice solution to have a livery that almost no one will sport in an online event?
Just before we leave, what do we have this month? A new fresh LM Performance livery for Ferrari - let's celebrate the very last moments on the track for that beast, being soon replaced with the 296 GTB BT3. In the same topic, the Porsche 911 II GT3R being soon replaced with the very new 911 type 992 GT3, we offer this month the opportunity to sport Piratella Martini colors on your 911 II.
Another very new design this month is the 2.0 version of BlackSmith Engineering livery for R8 Evo II. Glossy black is reduced with addition of matte black and more silver accents harmonizes with silver rims. The overall result is less dark than version 1.0 and, to our eyes, works better on the track.
AMR Island Corsica is included for the second time, this livery being highly expected for the Vantage V8 is appreciated by so much drivers currently. Same for the M4 GT3 and the Mythril livery, expected by some of our new Patreon supporters who took time to comment a recent post.
WD and I wish you a very warm, colorful and nice springtime. Very soon you will be invited to join our next WD Track Day. Stay tuned on Discord ;-)
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