Every WD Audi R8 LMS GT3 livery is now available for Evo2 version. Take a look at this gallery, only updated versions. Some cars are still missiong from this gallery (BlackSmith, McEntire) but don't worry, versions are available.
As a gift for celebrations to come, WD is so glad to let you get this one for free. You have a button above the picture to get the skin directly, but you can also go to Racedepartment.com to download it directly, if you have an account - standard free account is ok. It is the opportunity for you to leave a rating or a comment, and to gain access to all the WD contents shared there for free.
Let me remind you that McEntire Audi livery for R8 LMS GT3 Evo2 is also available for free here !

Let us know in the comments if something catches your eye and let's talk about customization possibilities :-)
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