Hello everyone, we hope this week is off to a great start on your side of the world. Here at WD, we're very proud and happy to announce that we're now in partnership with Bongo Racing. What's that all about?
We're talking about a growing community of mature racers who get together almost every day to train and twice a week at ACC, in a spirit of competition and respect. You can expect some epic - and not-so-epic - moments with us, as well as constant goodwill towards each other.

OK, but what is this partnership really all about? Does it have anything to do with design? Well yes my friends, of course. We'll give you a couple of minutes to pour yourself a drink to celebrate: we design the Bongo liveries that the community offers its members, and we're also the place to turn for those who want to go further in the customisation/creation of a more personal livery.

I invite you to follow Robin at Bongo Racing. He's a madman, yes, but a hell of a lot of fun to be around and - to make matters worse - he does very well on the track. Follow his video tribulations here and don't forget to check out the streams and highlights of the weekly events.
https://www.youtube.com/@BongosBits #bongoracing #racingcommunity #acc #assettocorsacompetizione #bongo #bongobits #customskins #customliveries